Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I have been slacking for the past six months as far as working out as much and it shows. My goal is to loose about 15-20 pounds so that I can fit back into my cute size 28 jeans. So my wonderful friend Angie and I have started to run every morning. This morning we were out by 5am and we are running again at night for a total of about 5 miles a day. I HATE running and have never been a runner. My cardio has always been aerobics, or the elliptical. I love weights and yoga so I am going to keep those up too. Hopefully I will start to enjoy it soon. Why does weight have to be such an issue, I really hate it and feel very shallow worrying about it all the time. I'll keep you posted on our progress. Wish us luck!


Liz said...

You can do it!! If I can run so can you. You always look great.

Angie said...

Your darling no matter what you say. You are a runner and we better get skinny fast. hehe I wish that it wasnt an issue too it sucks. Thanks for being so dedicated, I didnt think that we would really do it. YEAH! It can only get better now right?

Tui said...

ALoha! Thanks for stopping by the Tui blog! For sure Phoenix really loved you and your hubby as teachers. So what's the deal-oh with your image? You look fine. No worries!
Please keep visiting us on our blog as I will place you on the "better blogs than ours" list...